New SAD TAX Music Video! "I Found Love (in the usual places)"
How many puppets can you make in an evening and a quick trip to Dollarama? about a dozen if your standards are sufficiently low enough. This here is a Janky video for my favourite song off the latest Sad Tax album "Rose Panic Mother" "I Found Love (in the usual places)". I needed to harness the power of bad puppetry and janky green screen to truly capture the energy of the track. It’s my favourite track off this year’s RPM album, which I think at this point I will say is my best RPM album out of the thirteen I’ve done. That’s the way it’s sitting in my ears right now. Maybe this video is a bit jankier than I was picturing at first and I’ve certainly not learned anything from my past experiences with the Youtube compression algorithm as you can see by the final extra crunchy looking 20 seconds of the video where every pixel is active and youtube just has no idea what to do with them all so it decides to process it like a mid 90’s CD-rom FMV videogame. I’m still pretty dang happy with it, it’s got the silliness and the mania I wish I could manifest in my regular life but alas. Hopefully it brings you some.. Joy? Entertainment at least? Ecstatic and ebullient love? Manifest destiny?
Whatever, watch it several times than tell me what you think.