New Christmas Video "Christmas ghosts that dance forever"
In the music industry traditionally Christmas songs were written and recorded around the middle of summer in July or August because the radio stations needed the new Christmas songs in October to screen them for December airplay. Forcing people to write sentimental winter themed tunes in the middle of the summer is the recipe for all the trite cynical bullshit that we are forced to hear every year around this time. I started this annual Christmas music video project 9 years ago with the idea that Christmas songs should be written and recorded as close to Christmas day as possible to capture more of that Christmas essence. A couple times I've cheated and started it in November but most of them were made start to finish within a week or two of Christmas day. I quickly came to really enjoy writing them because it runs parallel to my other quest to write the saddest song in the world, you can make any sad song a hundred times more sad by placing it on Christmas day. Anyway, this years Christmas tune is about ghosts dancing forever tied to one spot on the ground in some icy northern place on Christmas night wishing they could be somewhere else. It's the most up-tempo Christmas tune I've ever written and I filmed the video a couple days ago but putting my partner in a sheet and making her dance around with various instruments tied to her. I think it turned out pretty fun, I hope you enjoy it!