New video for Lo Siento "No Tengo Remedio"
Local wunderkind artist and musician and Argentinian transplant Pepa Chan asked me if I'd be up to making a music video for her Spanish language pop band Lo Siento ("I'm sorry" in English) I didn't have much on the go at that moment and Pepa's the best so I said yes. The song she wanted me to tackle was "No Tengo Remedio" and when I listened to it, it's such a jangly, uptempo, tight little pop number that my head swam with visions of technicolour rainbows and crazy Saturday morning cartoon nonsense. Then out of curiosity I translated the lyrics to English and it is the darkest, bleakest song about deep anxiety and depression imaginable. So I felt compelled to use a technique I've fooled around with on a few of projects like this music video and bits of this and some little segments in my movie where do a thing where I make compound printout sheets made of each of the frames of a video and then I draw on them and spray them with water or crumple them up and iron them straight and then scan them into photoshop and reanimate them. I end up with a bunch of sheets of paper like this.
I got the process time down to about 8 to 10 minutes to scan the page, tweak it and reanimate it. All things considered the video took a lot less screwing around with than I thought it would. The most irritating part of the project was jiggering around with settings to keep the youtube video compression algorithm from mangling the image into oblivion. I really like the effect of this process (it gives everything a really interesting random handcrafted texture) but compression algorithms absolutely hate it as basically every pixel on the image changes from frame to frame. Anyway, I got it down to point where I'm happy the effect isn't too muddled or at least not more muddy than it was by design. I think the video turned out pretty fun and spastic, just like the band. Give em' a listen when you got the chance.